Check out our new stuff - We've got new posters, calendars, and shirts! Posters and Calendars are currently in production, so please give some extra time for those items!
The NewGrounds Annual Tournament of Animation of is an animation tournament that occurs during the summer of each year. The competition pits the top animators of the web against each other to find out who the true Champion of Animation is...
Joined on 3/8/05
Posted by NATA - October 1st, 2014
Check out our new stuff - We've got new posters, calendars, and shirts! Posters and Calendars are currently in production, so please give some extra time for those items!
Posted by NATA - August 27th, 2014
Check out the winner of this year's Newgrounds Annual Tournament of Animation!
Posted by NATA - June 7th, 2014
The NATA shop is now open!! You can get T-Shirts, 2014 Calendars, a 2012 Poster, and DVDs! More stuff from this year will be released at the end of this year's tournament.
Posted by NATA - May 26th, 2014
You can now view all accepted entries on the NATA site!
The NG Collection is managed by Tom, and doesn't reflect which entries have been accepted or not - there were 74 entries so they were probably missed but will be added sure, I'm sure.
We have 2 judges' scores in! Waiting on 3 more...
Also, remember the IndieGoGo only goes for 2 more days! We are still $600 short of our fundraising last year, so keep spreading the word!
Coming soon on the NATA site: A shop! Keep your eyes peeled for that...
Posted by NATA - May 3rd, 2014
In case you haven't seen, the NATA Open Round has begun! You have 3 weeks to animate "The Most Important Mission Ever" to get into the top 24 bracket spots of the tournament.
Full rules / submissions here:
Also, be sure to check out our Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and Official Site!
Good Luck!!
Posted by NATA - April 22nd, 2014
Hey all!
NATA is fast approaching (beginning May 3rd) and we've begun our fundraising. We have some neat perks (see: Posters, calendars, shirts) As usual, NATA is a community supported competition and your help really counts! Tom's putting in a bunch as usual, but it'd be cool to up the ante as much as we can!
Donations are open until May 28, which is shortly after the Open Round completes.
Posted by NATA - November 13th, 2013
The calendars are in and they look fantastic! Get 'em while they're hot!
2012 T-Shirts, 2012 Posters, and DVD sets are half off! Only 2 posters and very limited shirts remain!
Check 'em out!
Posted by NATA - October 27th, 2013
NATA Calendars for 2014 and DVD sets are now available to order!
The DVD sets include EVERYTHING since the contest began in 2007! It comes as a set of 5 DVDs, that's how much stuff there is!
Posted by NATA - October 15th, 2012
Congratulations to the 2012 Champion of Animation, Emrox!
All information can be found here:
See you all next year :)