lookin gooooooooood
The NewGrounds Annual Tournament of Animation of is an animation tournament that occurs during the summer of each year. The competition pits the top animators of the web against each other to find out who the true Champion of Animation is...
Joined on 3/8/05
lookin gooooooooood
there will be indiegogo?
Probably - need to put together a video for it first, so keep your eyes peeled!
Dammit, bring back the 1 v 1 bracket system. These pools of four are silly!
The reason we're straying from 1v1 is that it either limits the amount of people who will get in, the number of rounds, the length of the rounds, and other factors.
64, wow. that's a lot of contestants!
Nathan's animation tournament of animation is gonna be huge!
It'll be 24 entrants getting in
Where do I find the theme?
The theme isn't announced until the contest begins in May.
What are the rules regarding sound effects?
Hopefully there aren't any rules on sound effects.
What are the rules regarding Voice Actors?
Please tell me there will be a NATA 2014 Preloader
Open Round starts May 3rd eh? I might actually be able to compete then!
Can't wait :D
Looking forward to it!